

Welcome Dear Reader, 

Thank you for your time in this space!  As you may have guessed, my name is Sara :)  

I grew up in Sudbury, Ontario with a very active lifestyle spending a lot of time playing sports and enjoying the outdoors! As I was ending my teenage years, I moved to Southern Ontario for 7 years of University studying Science for my Bachelors degree and Health Informatics for my Masters degree. In 2011, while I was in University, I discovered yoga and started a consistent daily practice to ease my time of being a student.  When I graduated from University in 2016, I gifted myself a trip to Darjeeling, India to complete a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga.

Upon my return from India, I went to work in Clinical Project Management at a hospital in downtown Toronto for 5 years (it was my dream job!). I became deeply entrenched in the complexity of bringing clinical redevelopment projects to fruition during the day. In the evenings and weekends I came home to explore the practices that could rejuvenate me, nourish my body, mind and soul, and replenish my energy. As I deepened my relationship to my body, mind, emotions and energy my overall health, awareness and expression began to transform as well.

These practices of meditation, visualization, breathwork, yoga and journaling kept me connected to my heart, reminded me of the universal truths, the yoga philosophies and sustained my energy rooted in love. There were lots of trials and tribulations with operating in a hospital environment, with large projects involving significant change, transformation, people and spaces. This allowed me an abundance of daily opportunities to apply my understanding of human behaviour during change and transformation in an iterative process day after day. I was often stretched to my mental and emotional capacity and this led to becoming a true embodiment of the holistic teachings in order to stay rooted in love and connected to the heart . 

  My practice has evolved into a lifestyle filled with mindfulness practices as I've continued to deepen my knowledge with trainings in yoga nidra, hands on yoga assists, meditation, mindfulness and sound healing. What I have received from practicing these holistic teachings is the ability to live life in a state of calm, connected, confidence. A state of deep calmness and presence to the moment. A state of connection to my body, heart and environment around me. A state of confidence that is rooted in my values and is expressed with ease. 

I know how hard it can feel to make time for self care but I also know the huge impact it can have on your life. I know the habits, mindset and practices that can support you to completely transform your experience of life. I am here to lead you, guide you and support you in the discovery and expression of your truth, your essence, your inner knowing.

I am now here to be of service to you if you wish to be on the path of connection to your body, mind, soul. I am here to be of service to you if you want to remember your connection to nature, the source, the divine. I am here to support you if you want to move through the world with a level of awareness that brings meaning and purpose to your drive. I am here to share practices that can deeply support you through change, transformation and healing with ease, harmony and surrender. I am here to lead and support growth that allows you to move through the world in a way that feels good, aligned, healthy and connected to your heart. 

I invite you to reach out if you want to discuss how we can work together. 

Sending love to you, 
